The Abbey of Saint Galgano is an ancient roofless gothic church lost in the countryside of Siena, a little more than an hour away from La Sugherosa.
The view of the sky and the clouds from the interior of the abbey is something from another place and time which has to be experienced once in a lifetime.
Getting from the Villa to San Galgano takes a little more than an hour of driving in the tuscan countryside.
The Abbey of Saint Galgano was a Cistercian Monastery found in the valley of the river Merse between the towns of Chiusdino and Monticiano, in the province of Siena. Presently, the roofless walls of the Gothic style 13th-century Abbey church still stand. Nearby are the chapel or Eremo or Rotonda di Montesiepi (1185), the tomb of Saint Galgano and the purported site of his death in 1181, the sword in the stone said to have been planted in the ground by Galgano and a chapel with frescoes by Ambrogio Lorenzetti.
Andrei Tarkovsky's shot here some scenes of his movie Nostalghia.